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毕业两年的白领吴宇超为了追求已经离婚的大学时期女神吕晓嫣, 搬到了天通苑的一间合租屋,认识了一群各有故事的年轻人。20岁的刘奕东是个高中毕业的叛逆少女,她母亲兰姐和她继父离婚后, 搬来与她同住,两人因为她爸的死而关系紧张。26岁的张建是个木讷老实的房产中介,业绩不好 常被欺负,他并不适应北京的高压和快节奏生活,女友也离他而去。称自己23岁的秦芸娟是一名KTV陪唱女,她陪唱不陪睡,辛苦周旋在客人、同事和KTV经理之间,最大的愿望是把儿子接来身边。27岁的糖小柔没有主业,倚靠网络直播赚钱,她17岁曾拍过一本知名杂志的封面,从此认定自己是做明星的料,可是7年过去,她还只是个小透明,每天忙碌于各种试镜活动,存着一笔整容基金,做着明星梦。6个性格迥异的人同住一个屋檐下,因为一次集体抵抗二房东的事件 而相熟起来,他们逐渐建立信任、产生友情,每天生活在一起的他们,难过时会相互抚慰,但更多的是各自承受,每个人都为了想要的生活或是梦想而努力着。合租屋的6个人是天通苑的缩影,也是北漂一族的缩影,他们在这里相遇,在这里哭泣,在这里欢喜,高歌着对抗生活,或是痛哭着诅咒命运,然后有的人选择离开,有的人选择留下,无论他们还在不在天通苑,生活都会继续,他们的故事也没有结束。



He was a wisecracking World War II vet. She was an orphan, his kid sister’s best friend. Harold and Lillian eloped to Hollywood, where they became the film industry’s secret weapons. Nobody talked about them, but everybody wanted them. Theirs is the greatest story never told—until now.Academy Award–nominated director Daniel Raim presents HAROLD AND LILLIAN: A HOLLYWOOD LOVE STORY, a fascinating and deeply moving account of the romantic and creative partnership between storyboard artist Harold Michelson (1920–2007) and his wife, film researcher Lillian Michelson (b. 1928)—a talented and generous couple once considered to be the heart of the industry.For sixty tumultuous years, Harold and Lillian weathered personal and professional setbacks while working on hundreds of films, many of them now classics, including The Ten Commandments, The Apartment, The Birds, Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?, The Graduate, Rosemary’s Baby, Fiddler On The Roof, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Scarface, Full Metal Jacket. Although the couple was responsible for some of Hollywood’s most iconic examples of visual storytelling, their contributions remain largely uncredited.Through an engaging mix of love letters, interviews (including candid conversations with Harold and Lillian, Danny DeVito, and Francis Coppola) and film clips, home movies, and rare production art, HAROLD AND LILLIAN lovingly chronicles a remarkable relationship and two extraordinary careers spanning six decades of movie-making history.
